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Date: 2013-06-13 00:54 Title: A propos Slug: about Author: wxcafé Category: Perso

Hey, it's me!

I'm Clément Hertling, a 18 years-old student, in my first year at Epita, and living in Villejuif, near Paris, France.

I like to mess around with computers, particularly with operating systems, and generally speaking with UNIX based systems (GNU/Linux, *BSD, OS X, ...). I also like working with computer hardware, be it embedded devices or servers, and on a smaller scale I'm interested in electronics too. I regularly try to learn some programming, but it hasn't been very convincing for now. That will with, well, going to school and learning this stuff. I generally enjoy learning about tech, though.

I like to write about what I do and my thoughts about technology, and I (sometimes) do it here, mostly in French though. You can also find me on some social networks, as shown in the right bar, or in real life at LeLoop (sometimes). If you want to meet me directly, send me an email.

Thanks for visiting!