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Keyboardio Model 01 Firmware
The default firmware for the Keyboardio Model 01
Download and install
Set up the Arduino IDE
Setup the Arduino IDE on your system. Make sure you install at least version 1.6, since older version may not support all required features.
On macOS, install the Arduino IDE using homebrew cask with brew cask install arduino
or download the application from the official website and move it to your /Applications
On Linux, your distribution's package manager probably includes the Arduino IDE, but it may be an out of date version. If your distribution installs a version of Arduino before 1.6.3 or so, you'll need to install the Arduino IDE following the instructions on the wiki, installing the Arduino package somewhere that 'arduino' and 'arduino-builder' end up in your $PATH
Create and navigate to the Arduino Sketchbook directory
mkdir -p $HOME/Documents/Arduino
cd $HOME/Documents/Arduino
mkdir -p $HOME/Arduino
cd $HOME/Arduino
Download hardware platform, including library source code
mkdir -p hardware/keyboardio
## then clone the hardware definitions to make them available to the arduino environment
git clone --recursive https://github.com/keyboardio/Arduino-Boards.git hardware/keyboardio/avr
Download the Model 01 Firmware
git clone https://github.com/keyboardio/Model01-Firmware.git
Build and flash the firmware from the commandline
cd Model01-Firmware
make flash
When the builder tells you to hit Enter to continue, hold down "Prog" on your keyboard and hit Enter.
<3 jesse