mirror of https://code.hackerspace.pl/q3k/youtube-dl synced 2025-03-15 17:54:31 +00:00

Add documentation about supported sites (Fixes #4503)

This commit is contained in:
Philipp Hagemeister 2014-12-30 19:35:35 +01:00
parent 7fc2cd819e
commit 416c7fcbce
6 changed files with 567 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
all: youtube-dl README.md CONTRIBUTING.md README.txt youtube-dl.1 youtube-dl.bash-completion youtube-dl.zsh youtube-dl.fish
all: youtube-dl README.md CONTRIBUTING.md README.txt youtube-dl.1 youtube-dl.bash-completion youtube-dl.zsh youtube-dl.fish supportedsites
rm -rf youtube-dl.1.temp.md youtube-dl.1 youtube-dl.bash-completion README.txt MANIFEST build/ dist/ .coverage cover/ youtube-dl.tar.gz youtube-dl.zsh youtube-dl.fish *.dump *.part *.info.json CONTRIBUTING.md.tmp
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ offlinetest: codetest
tar: youtube-dl.tar.gz
.PHONY: all clean install test tar bash-completion pypi-files zsh-completion fish-completion ot offlinetest codetest
.PHONY: all clean install test tar bash-completion pypi-files zsh-completion fish-completion ot offlinetest codetest supportedsites
pypi-files: youtube-dl.bash-completion README.txt youtube-dl.1 youtube-dl.fish
@ -68,6 +68,9 @@ README.md: youtube_dl/*.py youtube_dl/*/*.py
python devscripts/make_contributing.py README.md CONTRIBUTING.md
python devscripts/make_supportedsites.py docs/supportedsites.md
pandoc -f markdown -t plain README.md -o README.txt

View File

@ -449,6 +449,14 @@ Since June 2012 (#342) youtube-dl is packed as an executable zipfile, simply unz
To run the exe you need to install first the [Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package](http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29).
### How can I detect whether a given URL is supported by youtube-dl?
For one, have a look at the [list of supported sites](docs/supportedsites). Note that it can sometimes happen that the site changes its URL scheme (say, from http://example.com/v/1234567 to http://example.com/v/1234567 ) and youtube-dl reports an URL of a service in that list as unsupported. In that case, simply report a bug.
It is *not* possible to detect whether a URL is supported or not. That's because youtube-dl contains a generic extractor which maches **all** URLs. You may be tempted to disable, exclude, or remove the generic extractor, but the generic extractor not only allows users to extract videos from lots of websites that embed a video from another service, but may also be used to extract video from a service that it's hosting itself. Therefore, we neither recommend nor support disabling, excluding, or removing the generic extractor.
If you want to find out, simply call youtube-dl. If you get no videos back, chances are the URL is either not referring to a video or unsupported. You can find out which by examining the output (if you run youtube-dl on the console) or catching an `UnsupportedError` exception if you run it from a Python program.
Most users do not need to build youtube-dl and can [download the builds](http://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/download.html) or get them from their distribution.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import io
import optparse
import os
import sys
# Import youtube_dl
ROOT_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')
import youtube_dl
def main():
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog OUTFILE.md')
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 1:
parser.error('Expected an output filename')
outfile, = args
def gen_ies_md(ies):
for ie in ies:
ie_md = '**{}**'.format(ie.IE_NAME)
ie_desc = getattr(ie, 'IE_DESC', None)
if ie_desc is False:
if ie_desc is not None:
ie_md += ': {}'.format(ie.IE_DESC)
if not ie.working():
ie_md += ' (Currently broken)'
yield ie_md
ies = sorted(youtube_dl.gen_extractors(), key=lambda i: i.IE_NAME.lower())
out = '# Supported sites\n' + ''.join(
' - ' + md + '\n'
for md in gen_ies_md(ies))
with io.open(outfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outf:
if __name__ == '__main__':

docs/supportedsites.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
# Supported sites
- **1up.com**
- **220.ro**
- **24video**
- **3sat**
- **4tube**
- **56.com**
- **5min**
- **8tracks**
- **9gag**
- **abc.net.au**
- **AcademicEarth:Course**
- **AddAnime**
- **AdobeTV**
- **AdultSwim**
- **Aftonbladet**
- **AlJazeera**
- **Allocine**
- **anitube.se**
- **AnySex**
- **Aparat**
- **AppleTrailers**
- **archive.org**: archive.org videos
- **ARD**
- **ARD:mediathek**
- **arte.tv**
- **arte.tv:+7**
- **arte.tv:concert**
- **arte.tv:creative**
- **arte.tv:ddc**
- **arte.tv:embed**
- **arte.tv:future**
- **audiomack**
- **AUEngine**
- **Azubu**
- **bambuser**
- **bambuser:channel**
- **Bandcamp**
- **Bandcamp:album**
- **bbc.co.uk**: BBC iPlayer
- **Beeg**
- **BehindKink**
- **Bet**
- **Bild**: Bild.de
- **BiliBili**
- **blinkx**
- **blip.tv:user**
- **BlipTV**
- **Bloomberg**
- **Bpb**: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
- **BR**: Bayerischer Rundfunk Mediathek
- **Break**
- **Brightcove**
- **BuzzFeed**
- **BYUtv**
- **Canal13cl**
- **canalc2.tv**
- **Canalplus**: canalplus.fr, piwiplus.fr and d8.tv
- **CBS**
- **CBSNews**: CBS News
- **CeskaTelevize**
- **channel9**: Channel 9
- **Chilloutzone**
- **Cinchcast**
- **Cinemassacre**
- **clipfish**
- **cliphunter**
- **Clipsyndicate**
- **Cloudy**
- **Clubic**
- **cmt.com**
- **CNET**
- **CNN**
- **CNNBlogs**
- **CollegeHumor**
- **ComCarCoff**
- **ComedyCentral**
- **ComedyCentralShows**: The Daily Show / The Colbert Report
- **CondeNast**: Condé Nast media group: Condé Nast, GQ, Glamour, Vanity Fair, Vogue, W Magazine, WIRED
- **Cracked**
- **Criterion**
- **Crunchyroll**
- **crunchyroll:playlist**
- **CSpan**: C-SPAN
- **culturebox.francetvinfo.fr**
- **dailymotion**
- **dailymotion:playlist**
- **dailymotion:user**
- **daum.net**
- **DBTV**
- **DeezerPlaylist**
- **defense.gouv.fr**
- **Discovery**
- **divxstage**: DivxStage
- **Dotsub**
- **Dropbox**
- **DrTuber**
- **DRTV**
- **Dump**
- **dvtv**: http://video.aktualne.cz/
- **EbaumsWorld**
- **eHow**
- **Einthusan**
- **eitb.tv**
- **EllenTV**
- **EllenTV:clips**
- **ElPais**: El País
- **EMPFlix**
- **Engadget**
- **Eporner**
- **Escapist**
- **EveryonesMixtape**
- **exfm**: ex.fm
- **ExpoTV**
- **ExtremeTube**
- **facebook**
- **faz.net**
- **fc2**
- **fernsehkritik.tv**
- **fernsehkritik.tv:postecke**
- **Firedrive**
- **Firstpost**
- **firsttv**: Видеоархив - Первый канал
- **Flickr**
- **Folketinget**: Folketinget (ft.dk; Danish parliament)
- **Foxgay**
- **FoxNews**
- **france2.fr:generation-quoi**
- **FranceCulture**
- **FranceInter**
- **francetv**: France 2, 3, 4, 5 and Ô
- **francetvinfo.fr**
- **Freesound**
- **freespeech.org**
- **FreeVideo**
- **FunnyOrDie**
- **Gamekings**
- **GameOne**
- **gameone:playlist**
- **GameSpot**
- **GameStar**
- **Gametrailers**
- **GDCVault**
- **generic**: Generic downloader that works on some sites
- **GiantBomb**
- **Glide**: Glide mobile video messages (glide.me)
- **Globo**
- **GodTube**
- **GoldenMoustache**
- **Golem**
- **GorillaVid**: GorillaVid.in, daclips.in, movpod.in and fastvideo.in
- **Goshgay**
- **Grooveshark**
- **Groupon**
- **Hark**
- **Heise**
- **Helsinki**: helsinki.fi
- **HentaiStigma**
- **HornBunny**
- **HostingBulk**
- **HotNewHipHop**
- **Howcast**
- **HowStuffWorks**
- **HuffPost**: Huffington Post
- **Hypem**
- **Iconosquare**
- **ign.com**
- **imdb**: Internet Movie Database trailers
- **imdb:list**: Internet Movie Database lists
- **Ina**
- **InfoQ**
- **Instagram**
- **instagram:user**: Instagram user profile
- **InternetVideoArchive**
- **IPrima**
- **ivi**: ivi.ru
- **ivi:compilation**: ivi.ru compilations
- **Izlesene**
- **JadoreCettePub**
- **JeuxVideo**
- **Jove**
- **jpopsuki.tv**
- **Jukebox**
- **Kankan**
- **keek**
- **KeezMovies**
- **KhanAcademy**
- **KickStarter**
- **kontrtube**: KontrTube.ru - Труба зовёт
- **KrasView**: Красвью
- **Ku6**
- **la7.tv**
- **Laola1Tv**
- **lifenews**: LIFE | NEWS
- **LiveLeak**
- **livestream**
- **livestream:original**
- **lrt.lt**
- **lynda**: lynda.com videos
- **lynda:course**: lynda.com online courses
- **m6**
- **macgamestore**: MacGameStore trailers
- **mailru**: Видео@Mail.Ru
- **Malemotion**
- **MDR**
- **metacafe**
- **Metacritic**
- **Mgoon**
- **Minhateca**
- **MinistryGrid**
- **mitele.es**
- **mixcloud**
- **MLB**
- **MoeVideo**: LetitBit video services: moevideo.net, playreplay.net and videochart.net
- **Mofosex**
- **Mojvideo**
- **Moniker**: allmyvideos.net and vidspot.net
- **mooshare**: Mooshare.biz
- **Morningstar**: morningstar.com
- **Motherless**
- **Motorsport**: motorsport.com
- **MovieClips**
- **Moviezine**
- **movshare**: MovShare
- **MPORA**
- **MTV**
- **mtviggy.com**
- **mtvservices:embedded**
- **MuenchenTV**: münchen.tv
- **MusicPlayOn**
- **MusicVault**
- **muzu.tv**
- **MySpace**
- **MySpace:album**
- **MySpass**
- **myvideo**
- **MyVidster**
- **Naver**
- **NBA**
- **NBC**
- **NBCNews**
- **ndr**: NDR.de - Mediathek
- **NDTV**
- **NerdCubedFeed**
- **Newgrounds**
- **Newstube**
- **nfb**: National Film Board of Canada
- **nfl.com**
- **nhl.com**
- **nhl.com:videocenter**: NHL videocenter category
- **niconico**: ニコニコ動画
- **NiconicoPlaylist**
- **Noco**
- **Normalboots**
- **NosVideo**
- **novamov**: NovaMov
- **Nowness**
- **nowvideo**: NowVideo
- **npo.nl**
- **NRK**
- **NRKTV**
- **NTV**
- **Nuvid**
- **NYTimes**
- **ocw.mit.edu**
- **OktoberfestTV**
- **on.aol.com**
- **Ooyala**
- **orf:oe1**: Radio Österreich 1
- **orf:tvthek**: ORF TVthek
- **ORFFM4**: radio FM4
- **parliamentlive.tv**: UK parliament videos
- **Patreon**
- **PBS**
- **Phoenix**
- **Photobucket**
- **PlanetaPlay**
- **play.fm**
- **played.to**
- **Playvid**
- **plus.google**: Google Plus
- **pluzz.francetv.fr**
- **podomatic**
- **PornHd**
- **PornHub**
- **Pornotube**
- **PornoXO**
- **PromptFile**
- **prosiebensat1**: ProSiebenSat.1 Digital
- **Pyvideo**
- **QuickVid**
- **radio.de**
- **radiofrance**
- **Rai**
- **RBMARadio**
- **RedTube**
- **Restudy**
- **ReverbNation**
- **RingTV**
- **RottenTomatoes**
- **Roxwel**
- **RTBF**
- **RTLnow**
- **rtlxl.nl**
- **RTP**
- **RTS**: RTS.ch
- **rtve.es:alacarta**: RTVE a la carta
- **rtve.es:live**: RTVE.es live streams
- **RUHD**
- **rutube**: Rutube videos
- **rutube:channel**: Rutube channels
- **rutube:movie**: Rutube movies
- **rutube:person**: Rutube person videos
- **Sapo**: SAPO Vídeos
- **savefrom.net**
- **SBS**: sbs.com.au
- **SciVee**
- **screen.yahoo:search**: Yahoo screen search
- **Screencast**
- **ScreencastOMatic**
- **ScreenwaveMedia**
- **ServingSys**
- **Sexu**
- **SexyKarma**: Sexy Karma and Watch Indian Porn
- **Shared**
- **ShareSix**
- **Sina**
- **Slideshare**
- **Slutload**
- **smotri**: Smotri.com
- **smotri:broadcast**: Smotri.com broadcasts
- **smotri:community**: Smotri.com community videos
- **smotri:user**: Smotri.com user videos
- **Snotr**
- **Sockshare**
- **Sohu**
- **soundcloud**
- **soundcloud:playlist**
- **soundcloud:set**
- **soundcloud:user**
- **Soundgasm**
- **southpark.cc.com**
- **southpark.de**
- **Space**
- **Spankwire**
- **Spiegel**
- **Spiegel:Article**: Articles on spiegel.de
- **Spiegeltv**
- **Spike**
- **Sport5**
- **SportBox**
- **SportDeutschland**
- **SRMediathek**: Süddeutscher Rundfunk
- **stanfordoc**: Stanford Open ClassRoom
- **Steam**
- **streamcloud.eu**
- **StreamCZ**
- **SunPorno**
- **SWRMediathek**
- **Syfy**
- **SztvHu**
- **Tagesschau**
- **Tapely**
- **Tass**
- **teachertube**: teachertube.com videos
- **teachertube:user:collection**: teachertube.com user and collection videos
- **TeachingChannel**
- **Teamcoco**
- **TeamFour**
- **TechTalks**
- **techtv.mit.edu**
- **TED**
- **tegenlicht.vpro.nl**
- **TeleBruxelles**
- **telecinco.es**
- **TeleMB**
- **TenPlay**
- **TF1**
- **TheOnion**
- **ThePlatform**
- **TheSixtyOne**
- **ThisAV**
- **THVideo**
- **THVideoPlaylist**
- **tinypic**: tinypic.com videos
- **tlc.com**
- **tlc.de**
- **TMZ**
- **TNAFlix**
- **tou.tv**
- **Toypics**: Toypics user profile
- **ToypicsUser**: Toypics user profile
- **TrailerAddict** (Currently broken)
- **Trilulilu**
- **TruTube**
- **Tube8**
- **Tudou**
- **Tumblr**
- **TuneIn**
- **Turbo**
- **Tutv**
- **tv.dfb.de**
- **tvigle**: Интернет-телевидение Tvigle.ru
- **tvp.pl**
- **TVPlay**: TV3Play and related services
- **Twitch**
- **Ubu**
- **udemy**
- **udemy:course**
- **Unistra**
- **Urort**: NRK P3 Urørt
- **ustream**
- **ustream:channel**
- **Vbox7**
- **VeeHD**
- **Veoh**
- **Vesti**: Вести.Ru
- **Vevo**
- **VGTV**
- **vh1.com**
- **Vice**
- **Viddler**
- **video.google:search**: Google Video search
- **video.mit.edu**
- **VideoBam**
- **VideoDetective**
- **videofy.me**
- **videolectures.net**
- **VideoMega**
- **VideoPremium**
- **VideoTt**: video.tt - Your True Tube
- **videoweed**: VideoWeed
- **Vidme**
- **Vidzi**
- **viki**
- **vimeo**
- **vimeo:album**
- **vimeo:channel**
- **vimeo:group**
- **vimeo:likes**: Vimeo user likes
- **vimeo:review**: Review pages on vimeo
- **vimeo:user**
- **vimeo:watchlater**: Vimeo watch later list, "vimeowatchlater" keyword (requires authentication)
- **Vimple**: Vimple.ru
- **Vine**
- **vine:user**
- **vk.com**
- **vk.com:user-videos**: vk.com:All of a user's videos
- **Vodlocker**
- **Vporn**
- **VRT**
- **vube**: Vube.com
- **VuClip**
- **vulture.com**
- **Walla**
- **WashingtonPost**
- **wat.tv**
- **WayOfTheMaster**
- **WDR**
- **wdr:mobile**
- **WDRMaus**: Sendung mit der Maus
- **Weibo**
- **Wimp**
- **Wistia**
- **WorldStarHipHop**
- **wrzuta.pl**
- **XBef**
- **XboxClips**
- **XHamster**
- **XMinus**
- **XNXX**
- **XTube**
- **XTubeUser**: XTube user profile
- **XVideos**
- **Yahoo**: Yahoo screen and movies
- **YesJapan**
- **Ynet**
- **YouJizz**
- **Youku**
- **YouPorn**
- **YourUpload**
- **youtube**: YouTube.com
- **youtube:channel**: YouTube.com channels
- **youtube:favorites**: YouTube.com favourite videos, ":ytfav" for short (requires authentication)
- **youtube:history**: Youtube watch history, ":ythistory" for short (requires authentication)
- **youtube:playlist**: YouTube.com playlists
- **youtube:recommended**: YouTube.com recommended videos, ":ytrec" for short (requires authentication)
- **youtube:search**: YouTube.com searches
- **youtube:search:date**: YouTube.com searches, newest videos first
- **youtube:search_url**: YouTube.com search URLs
- **youtube:show**: YouTube.com (multi-season) shows
- **youtube:subscriptions**: YouTube.com subscriptions feed, "ytsubs" keyword (requires authentication)
- **youtube:toplist**: YouTube.com top lists, "yttoplist:{channel}:{list title}" (Example: "yttoplist:music:Top Tracks")
- **youtube:user**: YouTube.com user videos (URL or "ytuser" keyword)
- **youtube:watch_later**: Youtube watch later list, ":ytwatchlater" for short (requires authentication)
- **ZDF**
- **ZDFChannel**
- **zingmp3:album**: mp3.zing.vn albums
- **zingmp3:song**: mp3.zing.vn songs

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from ..utils import (
from .brightcove import BrightcoveIE
@ -1057,7 +1058,7 @@ class GenericIE(InfoExtractor):
'url': new_url,
if not found:
raise ExtractorError('Unsupported URL: %s' % url)
raise UnsupportedError(url)
entries = []
for video_url in found:

View File

@ -464,6 +464,13 @@ class ExtractorError(Exception):
return ''.join(traceback.format_tb(self.traceback))
class UnsupportedError(ExtractorError):
def __init__(self, url):
super(UnsupportedError, self).__init__(
'Unsupported URL: %s' % url, expected=True)
self.url = url
class RegexNotFoundError(ExtractorError):
"""Error when a regex didn't match"""