diff --git a/content/(neo)mutt_fuckery_with_multipart_messages.md b/content/(neo)mutt_fuckery_with_multipart_messages.md
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+Title: (Neo)mutt fuckery with multipart messages
+Date: 2018-07-03T23:40+02:00
+Author: Wxcafé
+Slug: content/(neo)mutt_fuckery_with_multipart_messages
+I've been using Mutt, and then Neomutt, as an email client on my laptops for
+a while (I generally use Evolution on my desktop, because it runs on GNOME,
+while the laptops run on i3wm). Today while talking with colleagues who also use
+a TUI, text-only email client, we realized we had one shared pain about this,
+which was receiving multipart emails where the text/plain part was either the
+HTML source of the text/html part or a single line saying "This email has no
+plain text version, refer to the HTML version" (If you don't know how multipart
+emails and MIME work, [wikipedia has a good
+We thought it might be fun as retaliation to send multipart emails, with the
+text/html part saying "This email has no HTML version, please refer to the plain
+text". An hour and a few curses at mutt's documentation later, I'd come up with
+this solution:
+First, create the HTML document:
+ Sorry, this email is not available in HTML
+ Please refer to the plain text version!
+and put it in `~/.mutt/multipart.html`
+Then we simply need to add to our .muttrc this line:
+send-hook ~A "push 'a~/.mutt/multipart.html'\CDkTT&"
+This is a send-hook that will match any outgoing email, add the html file as an
+attachement, then tag it as inline, tag both parts of the message and merge them
+into a multipart/alternative file (The `&` command only exists in ~recent (May
+2, 2018) versions of neomutt).
+You can now do anything you'd normally do with the email, add further
+attachements, PGP sign it (or not), add ccs, whatever. When you send the email,
+it will be sent as a multipart/alternative message with the HTML document we set
+earlier as the text/html part and your message as the text/plain part, and
+basically every graphical client will only display the HTML version.
+### Sample fuckery:
+P.S.: I know I shouldn't have to say this but please don't actually use this to
+annoy people who use graphical email clients. We're the weird ones, basically
+everyone uses a graphical email client, and they're clearly the standard now,
+plus it's clearly a dick move to do this. Please refrain. Thank you for your
+understanding ❤️
diff --git a/pelicanconf.py b/pelicanconf.py
index a4a1a46..215e7a5 100644
--- a/pelicanconf.py
+++ b/pelicanconf.py
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM = None
'extension_configs': {